without stress !
+370 675 69 008


Use not only our own, but also our experience.
The specialists of "Asenia" can give you valuable advice. Consalting

Consultation in project transportation helps save both time and money.

Because, having heard the opinion of experts, you can more easily make the right decision.

According to the client's needs, a plan of concrete actions is created, which will immediately give a tangible result. For all this, the possibility of taking partial or complete control to achieve the project.

No matter how hard it was yesterday,
today you can always start all over again.


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Lietuva, V. Maciulevičiaus g. 53 - 206
Vilnius, LT - 04310
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Lietuva, V. Maciulevičiaus g. 53 - 206
Vilnius, LT - 04310
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Россия, 236029 г.Калининград,
ул. Земельная, д.12
UK 14a Bainbridge Rd,
Dagenham RM9 5UU

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