without stress !
+370 675 69 008

International transportation
of exhibitions

What is the difference between an exhibition and a permanent exhibition? Перевозка выставок

The exhibition is always on the road, always on wheels and any stop is just a breather before the next move. Packed, transported, unpacked. Everything is whole, everything is in its place. So simple, but ...

Even a traveler can forget a toothbrush in the hotel or tear off his favorite trousers about a sticking nail. What about the exhibition equipment? It's a lot, it's fragile and cumbersome. In general, transportation of exhibition equipment is a headache.

So give us this pain! We are ready to offer you a whole range of services that allow you to ensure the safety, reliability and timeliness of delivering your cargo to your destination at the same time. Packed, transported, unpacked. It's simple.

If you want to be happy, be it.

Lev Tolstoy

Our contactsContacts


Lietuva, V. Maciulevičiaus g. 53 - 206
Vilnius, LT - 04310
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Lietuva, V. Maciulevičiaus g. 53 - 206
Vilnius, LT - 04310
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Россия, 236029 г.Калининград,
ул. Земельная, д.12
UK 14a Bainbridge Rd,
Dagenham RM9 5UU

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